Aqua Detox Foot Bath (Ionic Foot Bath)

Everyday living in today’s polluted and stressful environment with chemicals in the form of pesticides, additives and preservatives can burden our body. Our wellness center would like to introduce you to the ionic foot bath, a wonderful detoxifying program that can help your body to function at its best.

This detox program helps your body naturally purge heavy metals and toxins, increases vitality, enhances relaxation, and more.

The following people should not use the Ionic Foot Bath:
– Pregnant or nursing mothers
– People with pace makers, wounds on their feet, or implanted organs
– People with Diabetes type I
– People with epilepsy



Divine Creation Wellness Center

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Google Reviews

I had my first colonic done and it was an amazing experience. The atmosphere was very clean and staff are friendly.Thank you!!

Mona Britus Customer

Cancellation Policy​
We will endeavor to book your treatment at the best suitable time and date convenient for you.
We enforce a strict 24 hour cancellation policy.
If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please do so within 24 hours in order to avoid the full rate penalty.
Each appointment is booked for an hour.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. They are not meant to treat, prevent, diagnose or cure any condition, and are for informational purposes only. Always consult your healthcare provider.